Monday, March 30, 2009

Not these either

Three more pictures of wrong Akikos.

Not Akiko Ito the Flautist

This Akiko Ito plays the flute. The Akiko I am looking for does not.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Not this Akiko either

A reader found another Akiko Ito on Facebook, but alas, she is not the right one, so the $100 remains unclaimed.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Not the Akiko Ito who sells sake

This is not the correct Akiko Ito either. The $100 remains unclaimed...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Not the Akiko Ito working at CERN

The Akiko i'm looking for does not have a PhD in Nuclear Structure, nor can she do the Rubik's Cube behind her back.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Nope, not her either

This Akiko Ito is the Membership Growth & Development Manager for Asia-Pacific Junior Chamber International World-Wide Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs... and is the wrong Akiko Ito.

Not This Akiko

This Akiko, who people call 'Aki', has friends in Switzerland...and she is the wrong Akiko.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

$100 Reward

I'll send $100 to anyone who finds Akiko Ito, via PayPal, cash, money order, whatever you like. Facebook, Myspace, and LinkedIn have all turned up dead ends, btw.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Not the actress

Not the Japanese actress Akiko Ito, born in 1966. I'm looking for a different Akiko Ito.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Akiko Ito in Dallas: Nope, not her

This is not the right Akiko Ito. This Akiko is a native of Kyushu; the Akiko Ito I am searching for is originally from Nagoya.

California art student award winner Akiko Ito: Not her

The artist who created this poster is not the right Akiko. It's a great poster though. The Akiko I'm looking for grew up in Japan, she should be about 30 now. She speaks fluent (but accented) English, might have spent time in New York. Her father is a well-documented landscape architect in Japan.

Looking For Akiko Ito

I'm looking for Akiko Ito, who lived in Venice, CA from about 2001-2004. Unfortunately, there are a lot of Akiko Itos. My hope is that she googles her own name one of these days, and contacts me, or, that someone else knows where she is.